I've got my mind made up Caribbean Medley
I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back
Because I want to see my Jesus someday
Goodbye world, I stay no longer with you
Goodbye pleasures of sin, I stay no longer with you
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
Goodbye pleasures of sin, I stay no longer with you
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
Goodbye world, I stay no longer with you
Goodbye pleasures of sin, I stay no longer with you
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
Goodbye pleasures of sin, I stay no longer with you
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
I've made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
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